Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Human Variation and Human Race

One of the main environmental stresses that has been put upon the human race is getting through the cold. The cold is very important to stay away from in order to survive because it could be life threatening. One can either get used to the cold weather or one can get really sick and develop hypothermia which is when ones body falls below required temperature.

2.       -There are many ways to see that one is cold, but the most obvious is when one has red cheeks. having red cheeks is when ones body temperature falls. This is a Facultative adaptation because ones DNA does not change but their genes do turn on and off when they get cold.

            - Another adaptation would be a persons body mass, which in all technicality the bigger you are the less you will get cold. When one has more to hide their skeleton they are less likely to become cold. This is called a Developmental adaptation, this is when it is in our genes or DNA to be thicker than we used to be.

           -Shivering is a short term adaptation because a persons body is too cold to handle so the body starts to move faster and faster in hopes to warm up. Our bodies only do this for a short period of time.

            - Lastly a cultural adaptation to cold is clothes. Humans have learned that wearing clothes will actually help them warm up.

3. It is more beneficial for humans to study humans through environmental clines because through the clines we can see the parts of natural selection and will give us a chance to see how we adapt and change.

4. Using race to understand variation in adaptation would be very subjective, because it would only teach us how one race is and all races are not the same some may be similar but many are complete different. For race in environmental stresses with cold goes for almost most races, a few races get hotter or colder easier but they all do the same because that is how humans in a whole adapted. Environmental influences is beneficial because people study the whole environment and get a feel for every race; whereas, just studying race will take too long to look into each one and  every race is different so you would have to look at each and every race individually.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Part One- This part of the experiment was hard but not to hard because I can always show what I wanted to say without using my words. Some words were more diffuclt then the others but it was easy. My partner did change the way he talked, he talked slower, and used more hand movements. The person that was able to speak to get their point across. The speaking culture had a different attitdude toward the non speaking because they would think they have a better advantage than the non speaking, just like older brother younger brother. The older you are you feel like you have more power than the younger ones. Part Two- For this part we were only aloud to speak we could not use our hands or any other type of language or communication. It was very hard for us to go through the full 15 minutes because I am the type of person that uses my hands when I talk and my eyes are also a form of communication and my eyes would always give gestures out and we would have to stop and do it all over again. My partner was getting annoyed that I could not make it through the full 15 minutes. He would even do the hand gestures for me. This was harder than the other one. Non-speech language is very important in our comunications throughout our day. Without signs we would not be able to be very effective in our speech. I think people do have trouble reading body language, some people see things diffrenetly and read them diffrenetly and some times in a wrong way that was not intended to be read like that. Its a great thing to learn how to read body language because most of the times some people dont want to talk and you can also find out the truth about what they really think. Its a great thing to have and adapt to you will have a better comunication system with others.